Color me impressed. Brad Boucher is earning himself a spot among my modern horror favorites.
Ashley Davis, Editor, Evensong Editing

Hello, lovers of horror and suspense . . .
Welcome to the Madhouse. If you've read my work before, please allow me to thank you for taking the time to do so. I know life is a busy and fast-moving affair, and free time is quite a hard thing to come by these days, but I'm sincerely grateful that you have chosen to spend some of yours reading my work. And if you've never read one of my books or stories, then I hope you will find something here to garner your interest and pique your curiosity. There are plenty of choices available, and--since I'm always working to create more--there will hopefully be new titles added very soon. For a more detailed welcome and a peek at what the Madhouse will strive to achieve, please click HERE. If you'd rather explore these dark corridors on your own, that's fine too. Enjoy.
New at the Madhouse!
I'm pleased to announce that our new INSTRUCTION page is finally up and running. It's there that you'll find helpful hints, writing tips, friendly advice and discussions about the creative process for beginning writers and seasoned pros alike. I hope you'll give it a look and check back often, as new posts will be added at varying times.
Now Available!

VICES contains six novellas of horror and suspense, each exploring a different facet of obsession and addiction. Each story stands on its own as a unique piece, but all combine into a larger tapestry that gives a much deeper picture of fear and human darkness. You can order your copy HERE.