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Upcoming Event!  10/22/2015


I am pleased to announce that I will be taking part in the New England Authors Expo's Thursday Night Lecture Series on October 22, 2015!  The theme will be--naturally, given the season--Horror Books, and I will be one of several local authors speaking on the subject and reading from my work.  Signed copies of the work of all of the authors present will be available for purchase that evening.  The event will be held at the Buttonwood Museum in Haverhill, MA, from 6 to 8 PM.  Hope to see you there!  

#poormansbooktour Update!


I'm pleased to announce that the Red copy of DIVINER has just been handed-off to a reader in Michigan!  I have included a photo of Erin Graichen, first in the string of this particular book's tour!  Thank you, Erin! 

The #poormansbooktour officially kicks off!


This is a rather odd idea that came to me some time ago, and I'm pleased to announce that it is now becoming a reality.  As you know, as a struggling writer, I can't afford to send myself on an official book tour; it's just not econimically feasable at this time, and until word of mouth starts to spread about my work, I can't imagine it would be a successful endeveavour if I did managed to find a way to pull it off.  That does not mean, however, that a couple of my books can't take a tour of the USA!  


And so the idea of the Poor Man's Book Tour was born!  Also knows as the Post & Plane Xperiment, the plan is simple:


THE "PLANE" PLAN:  A single copy of the Limited Blood Runs Red Edition of DIVINER will be handed out to a family member who is about to embark on a flight to Michigan.  Once there, she will be handing off the book to a stranger at the airport, along with instructions on how to keep the book moving along.  Once the recipient of the book has finished reading it, we've asked them to hand the book off to another stranger who will be traveling out-of-state.  Each person receiving the copy is asked to send a photo of them holding the book along to me, so I can post it here and we can chart the book's progress across this great nation of ours.  Once the book has traveled to (and been read in) all 50 states, it will be returned to me, its journey completed.  The round trip might take two years, but that's fine.


Pretty cool, right?  Sure.  


But it's not foolproof, and is dependant upon the kindness and enthusiasm of 50 different strangers in 50 different states in order to succeed.  


And so, to address the possibility of the book become lost along the way, a second half of the plan was conceived:


THE "POST" PLAN: A single copy of the standard "green" edition of DIVINER will be mailed to a helpful friend out of state who is eager to read the book and who will then forward the book through the mail to another friend in a different state.  The photo request is still in effect in this plan as well, and once again, at the end of its run, the book will come back to me.  The obvious advantage of this half of the plan is that the book will only be traded among people who already know each other, and therefore will have a better idea of what I've requested of them.  The obvious disadvantage of the plan is that it requires the readers/participants to pay postage from state to state, which I regret.  I am, of course, deeply grateful for their generosity in keeping the book moving along (especially when it comes time to send it to Alaska and Hawaii and back!), and I wish there was a way around that.


So there you have it: the bare bones of the Poor Man's Book Tour.  Check back to this page often to see how the different copies of DIVINER are enjoying their respective book tours!  


Posts regarding the Red copy of DIVINER traveling by plane will be identified as #poormansbooktour and those involving the Green copy moving by mail will be identified as, of course, #poormansbooktour.  Makes sense, right?


If all goes accordng to plan, you'll soon be able to track their progress on Instagram, using (naturally) #poormansbooktour 










#poormansbooktour Update!


The Green copy of DIVINER has reached its first stop, in New Port Richey, FL!

Upcoming Event!  10/27/2015


The Lane Memorial Library in Hampton, NH has been kind enough to invite me back to speak about my love of writing in general (and horror in particular) on 10/27/2015, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM!  This will be my third talk at the Lane Library, and I will also address the issues of self-publishing and the challenges of self-promotion.  And who knows, maybe I'll even read something written specifically for this event.  Signed copies of my books will be available for purchase, and I hope to see plenty of familiar faces there that evening!  



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